MariTop Forest Mushroom Style


Emulsified (O / W) marinade for all kitchen ready-prepared meats and meat specialties. Rounded with a distinct mushroom-note, with pepper. Red-brown color, with a visible mushroom mixture and parsley.

  • Ingredients

    Wasser, Speisepilze (Stockschwämmchen, Champignons, Pfifferlinge, Steinpilze),pflanzliche Öle (Rapsöl, Sonnenblumenöl), Speisesalz, Branntweinessig,modifizierte Stärke, Gewürze, Pilzextrakte (Champignonextrakt,Steinpilzextrakt), Aroma, Zucker, Verdickungsmittel: E 415 Xanthan, Karamell,MILCHEIWEISS, Konservierungsstoff: (E 211 Natriumbenzoat, E 202 Kaliumsorbat), MILCHZUCKER

    Words in BIG LETTERS are allergens.
Please note: AVO supplies only companies. Orders from private individuals can not be considered.