Würz-Topping Bavaria o.Glutamat & o.Hefeextrakt


Water-based marinade for all types of meat. Viscous liquid with reddish-brown optic and visible herb and spice particles. Spicy taste of beer and mustard rounded off with tomato, onions and thyme.

Alcohol content: 1,9 % vol.

  • Zutaten

    Bier 39,0 % (Wasser, GERSTENMALZ, Hopfenextrakt), Speisesalz, Wasser, Rapsöl,Gewürze, Tomatenmark, Rapskernmehl, Branntweinessig, Speisesenf (Wasser,Gewürze(enthält SENFSAAT), Branntweinessig, Speisesalz, Zucker), Aroma

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