SoFit – High Protein

Sausages which make you strong

Protein is important for muscle development and maintenance; it protects your heart; regulates blood sugar levels and boosts your immune system. It accelerates your metabolism and stimulates fat burning. High protein food is the latest trend and SoFit, the AVO brand for health-conscious nutrition, allows you to respond to all your customers’ demands! Offer your customers a wide range of high-protein products:

  • Wieners that your customers will love. Not only are they a treat on their own and as Hot Dog Sausages, but they also get 20 % protein. A Nutri-Score B is possible with SoFit.
  • Bierschinken Sausage with 20 % protein at only 2.5 % fat and 1.6 % salt and a possible Nutri Score B.
  • Fleischwurst/Lyoner Sausages that contains 18 % protein.
  • Pfefferbeißer Sausages with 40 % protein.
  • Bratwurst frying Sausage with Yoghurt and 15 % protein.

Use AVO's high-protein products to provide your customers with important proteins and to meet their nutritional needs:

Art. No. 345704 SOFIT for High Protein Wieners, 1 kg bag
Art. No. 346402 SOFIT SOFIT for High Protein Cooked Meats 1 kg bag, 1 kg bag