Bright sauce "K"

Bright sauce "K"

Sweetish note rounded off with bacon and white wine flavour. White - yellowish, finely ground mixture

  • Ingredients

    modifizierte Stärke, Palmfett, Speisesalz, MILCHZUCKER, Stärke, Glucosesirup,MILCHEIWEISS, SAHNEPULVER, Zucker, Aroma, Zitronensaftkonzentrat,Verdickungsmittel: (E 412 Guarkernmehl, E 410 Johannisbrotkernmehl), Gewürze(enthält SELLERIEKNOLLE), Würze, Hefeextrakt

    Words in BIG LETTERS are allergens.
Please note: AVO supplies only companies. Orders from private individuals can not be considered.