Feine Würzsauce Jäger Art


Seasoning sauce (with sauce binder and a mushroom / onion note) for all ready-to-cook meat specialties.

  • Ingredients

    Wasser, Rapsöl, Speisesalz, Gewürze, Säureregulator: E 325 Natriumlactat,Branntweinessig, Zucker, Champignons, modifizierte Stärke, natürliches Aroma,Orangenschalen, Würze, MILCHEIWEISS,SAHNEPULVER, MILCHZUCKER, Verdickungsmittel: (E 415 Xanthan, E 412 Guarkernmehl), Rote Beete

    Words in BIG LETTERS are allergens.
Please note: AVO supplies only companies. Orders from private individuals can not be considered.