MariTop Döner Kebab Style


Seasoned sauce emulsion-based for all types of meat. Viscous mass with yellowish-brown appearance, visible vegetable inlay such as tomatoes, onions and visible spice/ herbal particles. Spicy taste of tomato and onion, rounded off with yoghurt and olive oi

  • Ingredients

    Gemüse (Cherrytomaten, Zwiebeln), Wasser, MAGERMILCHJOGHURT, natives Olivenölextra, Tomatenmark, Gewürze, Speisesalz, Branntweinessig, Verdickungsmittel: E415 Xanthan, Konservierungsstoff: (E 211 Natriumbenzoat, E 202 Kaliumsorbat)

    Words in BIG LETTERS are allergens.
Please note: AVO supplies only companies. Orders from private individuals can not be considered.