MariTop Italia Style


Emulsified (O/W = oil/water) marinade, complete vegetable component included for all types of meats and meat specialties ready - prepared for the kitchen or ready to cook. Contains typical Mediterranean spices. Comes in a shining red colour with tomato pi

  • Ingredients

    Gemüse (Paprika, Zucchini, Zwiebeln, Brechbohnen, Oliven), Wasser, Tomatenmark,Zucker, Speisesalz, Branntweinessig, Rapsöl, Champignons, Gewürze, Aroma,modifizierte Stärke, Kräuter, Säuerungsmittel: E 330 Citronensäure, RoteBeetepulver, MILCHEIWEISS, Verdickungsmittel: (E 412 Guarkernmehl, E 415Xanthan), MILCHZUCKER

    Words in BIG LETTERS are allergens.
Please note: AVO supplies only companies. Orders from private individuals can not be considered.