Würz-Topping Wheat beer


Seasoned topping emulsion-based for all types of meat. Viscous liquid with orange-red optics and visible herb and spice particles. Spicy taste of beer and spices such as paprika and cumin.

  • Ingredients

    Weizenbier 40,0 % (Wasser, WEIZENMALZ,GERSTENMALZ, Hopfenextrakt, Hefe), Wasser,Speisesalz, Gewürze, Rapsöl, Speisesenf (SENFSAAT, Branntweinessig, Wasser,Speisesalz), Zucker, Branntweinessig, MILCHEIWEISS, modifizierte Stärke,MILCHZUCKER, Verdickungsmittel: E 415 Xanthan, Gewürzextrakte

    Words in BIG LETTERS are allergens.
Please note: AVO supplies only companies. Orders from private individuals can not be considered.